Especially in Naija churces AARGH!!!!'
why does the pastor insist on telling us to shake , hug, or do whatever to the person sitting next to us.
One day this guy i was sitting next to was just coughing! coughing! and coughing into his hands. wiping his nose with his hands ! kept fiddling with his nose! I felt bad for him but DISGUSTING!!!!! oh mi gosh! my friend and I were already preparing ourselves for when the pastor would do the customary shake someones hands and edging away from the guy. IMMEDIATELY the pastor said it, we kept shaking each other for like minutes. we didn't turn to the guy, Then the guy kind of tapped my friend to shake her and can you imagine the girl jaboed me IMMedaitely! she just high tailed out of church literally! I had no choice I ran out with her also. We dissolved into laughter at the door but came back later after getting the "look at these Jezebels " looks from the ushers who I am sure are worse than us.
Does anyone notice how BET is now just like MTV? i am not surprised both companies are owned by the same person. Black people need to get some quality shows that portray black people in a good light. And i don't mean shows like Baldwin Hills. ps the ghetto chick is a hoochie! but a fun hoochie! shes the most interesting character on the dry show. I mean the same company owns MTV Vh1 and BET. BET is now a clone of MTV. Its weird that Black TV is owned by a predominately white company!
Shower hour on Bigbrother Like WTF!!!??? I know we are hypocritical in Africa esp Naija but this is disturbing! they would never do such on Us tv. Anyway i get that big brother is on cable in Africa but......this is taking it too far. And who would want to see unedited naked people. People look disgusting naked! its true! without good lighting and camera we should keep that shit to ourselves. How does showing them in the shower add to the story? just my opinion. Its just sad how naija copies every negative thing from the west. there have all the naija versions of yankee tv shows . The government cant be bothered to copy more positive examples from yanks. And the naija version of Who wants to marry a millionaire does not qualify as a postive example!!!
Doesn't 50 cent look like a little bitch in this picture. He has a new uninspired album out and you know that's time for a publicity stunt again right!!! he has this "who will sell more albums" thing with kanye west. I was so going to support kanye but when i heard he made gazillions of dollars last year ,I decided to just just download his music illegally! the man is making enuff chedder i dont know why i should help him get richer ! But for real. 50 cent has the same bit, same lyrics, same thing!!
How stupid and generic is his new song with Justin timberlake! Ayo technology!!!??? for real!!!!
okay that's all
FB is dry again
No joke
toodles !!!